Nutritional Profile Testing

Not sure which testing you might benefit from the most? During our sessions together, we can discuss if these options may help improve your overall health. 

SpectraCell Laboratory

SpectraCell Laboratory testing allows Ripple Effect Nutrition to provide clients with functional, personalized recommendations that help prevent and treat health conditions by addressing the root cause rather than relying on symptoms.

Through SpectraCell testing, we have access to micronutrient testing, lipoprotein particle profiles, telomere testing, MTHFR genetic testing, and OmegaCheck® testing.

LEAP and MRT Sensitivity

LEAP and MRT testing is for people who struggle with chronic inflammation. Inflammation can present in many different ways, from post-nasal drip or migraines to diarrhea and bloating making it difficult to understand what is causing the symptoms.

The LEAP protocol helps clients understand how their dietary patterns are affecting their overall health and address the specific foods that are causing symptoms so they can feel their best.

What to expect during your time with Ripple Effect Nutrition

Your first session with Ripple Effect Nutrition will last 60-90 minutes. During this session, your Registered Dietitian will learn more about you and your health. This is an initial assessment so your dietitian can start to form an individual plan to meet your personal needs.

You may be asked to keep a food journal for a few days before your appointment to help your dietitian understand where you’re starting in the process. You’ll also have the opportunity to share your goals. What gets you excited about life. What you hope to be able to do more of. How you want to feel in the morning when you wake up. We know these are the things you truly care about, so your nutrition plan will help you reach those goals. 

Follow Up Sessions

Follow up sessions last 30-60 minutes. During these sessions, we’ll discuss how things went after your previous session. What went well and what still needs to be addressed.

We’ll take a look at your progress and develop a new goal together to help you take another step toward reaching your personal goals and optimal nutrition. 

Changing habits doesn’t happen overnight, so we’ll be there for you through the process.

Other Services Offered At Ripple Effect Nutrition

Click on the links below to find out more about other services provided by Ripple Effect Nutrition